It seems like almost every day we hear a story about some major cybersecurity breach where sensitive information like passwords, credit cards, and social security numbers is stolen by hackers. If you want to ensure the safety of your data along with your customer’s then be sure you are aware of these top five facts from leading cyber security assessment experts.
1.Upgrade/Update Sooner than Later
Please tell us you are not reading this while operating Windows Vista. Companies try to get the most value out of their machines possible, but once a product is no longer supported by its manufacturer than it is vulnerable to attack. Last year there was an attack on systems that were running Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server, which were no longer being supported by Microsoft.
Microsoft did release an emergency patch but this was not before a huge number of systems had been hacked. Be sure to keep auto-updates on and replace your hardware around every 4-5 years max.
2. It Can Happen to You
Usually, we hear the big stories, where massive companies have huge amounts of data stolen. These are the newsworthy stories, but just because you are small, it doesn’t mean you are not vulnerable. In fact, a recent security assessment noticed that smaller companies are often more likely to be targeted because it is assumed they are not using systems that are as secure as they should be.
3. Back Up Your Data
These days most computing is done in the cloud. Even if you do everything alone, you need to create a hard disk backup of your files and there’s no reason not to do this. Storage is cheaper than ever and you can set your systems to likewise automatically backup on a weekly or monthly basis. The most important reason for this is that even e-storage companies can fail and lose your data when that happens, you’ll be glad you have a backup. This is why it is especially important to work with IT consulting agencies that not only offer security assessment, but also a comprehensive backup.
4. Train Your Employees
Your employees are both your defense against attack and also a potential vulnerability. It is essential that they know that clicking on a bad link or downloading a virus can not only affect their personal work computer but your entire network. Cybersecurity assessment experts advise that your employees know how to spot phishing and other attacks so you can ensure the health of your computer systems.
5. Scan, Scan, Scan
The best thing about modern technology is that most of the steps you have to take to protect yourself can be set to run automatically. Your computer can auto-update, and you can auto virus scan whenever you like. Nonetheless, doing these things while you are trying to work can be annoying as it often slows down your computing speed. For this reason, schedule weekly scans for during your lunch hour or after work so you can stay on top of things while maintaining efficiency.
A True 21st Century Security Assessment
There are many steps you can take by yourself to prevent your network from being attacked. Nonetheless, hackers are employing more and more sophisticated techniques to try to steal your data. For that reason, even if you have a solid strategy, it is a good idea to have an IT expert periodically check your system for vulnerabilities. They can see things most users can’t particularly vulnerabilities so that when the next major hack happens, you can rest assured knowing your data is safe. If you are interested in professional IT services like IT Accuracy, be sure to get in touch with an agency that you trust with your data.